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We never lower the bar and remain demanding of ourselves in every stage of the creative process and our starting point is an individual approach to every client. From sketches characterized by boundless fantasy to assembly of quality products with exclusive design – we carry out all steps creatively and diligently. Our vision – to create reliable, innovative and durable products together with the client!

Investments and modernization:

improvement is one of the main ingredients for success, therefore we constantly follow the newest trends, invest in modern technologies, professional growth of our employees and increasing motivation. We pay special attention to the representation of the company and ensuring an environment promoting creativity.


we believe that the company can achieve stunning results by combining the experience with foreign partners. Such long-term cooperation resulted in “Avastata” having a strong and competitive position in Lithuanian and Swedish markets.

Creativity and uniqueness:

The employees of “Avastata” are interested and analyze all new trends in the areas of constructions, furniture production and painting and assimilate the best experience from across the globe. But still, special attention is paid to creativity – our staff is encouraged to form their personal style and create unique solutions with exclusive design.

Extracurricular activity:

Good results at work are not enough in order to create a strong and loyal team. UAB “Avastata” is happy to be involved in extracurricular activities and is proud of the achievements of our employees. The company has grown enthusiastic, motivated and talented basketball and football teams achieving great results in Lithuanian tournaments.

Avastata management

The management of “Avastata” also strives to enable employees to implement their projects and relax in a creative, harmonious, positive environment. As mentioned before, we pay great attention to improving our work environment. The result – in 2014 UAB “Avastata” was recognized as one of the companies best managing their work environment in Lithuania.

Social problems:

Sensitivity to social problems, the aim to motivate youth and bring them together is one of the priorities of UAB “Avastata”. The company wants to provide youth with the possibility to develop and strengthen their potential, so it supports various Lithuanian organizations financially or otherwise. The company also contributes to occupation of the disabled and infrastructure development.